Dog Wellbeing

Paw Care: How to Keep Your Dog's Paws Healthy?

dog paw care dry paws remedy

From long walks in the park to adventurous hikes, your dog’s paws endure a lot and can easily become dry, rough or even cracked. Here are some effective and natural paw care tips to keep them healthy all year round.

What Causes Dry Paws?

Extreme Temperatures

Walking on hot pavement during Summer is one of the main reasons that can damage your dog's paws and create unpleasant blisters. To avoid this, walk your dog early in the morning or when the air has cooled down at night. On the other hand, Winter can cause your dog's paws to dry because of the cold air.

Exposure to Chemicals

Whether it's de-icing salts in Winter or fertiliser in Spring and Summer can also harm their delicate paws. Not to mention that these toxic products can cause bigger problems than dry paws if they're ingested. That's why we recommend wiping off their paws after they've been outside and before they get a chance to lick them!


Have you noticed that your dog seems to have itchy paws? This might be a sign of allergy. Scratching and nibbling paws can lead to cracks. It's important to heal these as soon as possible to avoid infections.

Nutritional Deficiencies

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in maintaining your dog's overall health, including the condition of their paw pads. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly in essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, can lead to dry, cracked paw pads. With MyPetSays dog food you can be sure that your pooch's diet is rich in nutrients necessary for skin and paw health.

Dog Paw Care Tips

Regularly Check Your Dog’s Paws

Look for any signs of cuts, cracks, redness, swelling or foreign objects lodged between the paw pads. Early detection of issues can prevent them from escalating into more significant problems.

Keep Their Nails Trimmed

Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and affect your dog's gait. Trim your dog's nails regularly, but be careful not to cut too close to the quick, which can cause bleeding and pain. 

Moisturise Dry Pads

Use a paw balm or moisturiser specifically designed for dogs to keep their pads hydrated and supple. Be sure to choose products made from natural ingredients to avoid any harmful chemicals.

Clean Paws After Walks

After walks, clean your dog's paws to remove any dirt, debris or harmful substances they may have picked up along the way. Use a damp cloth or pet-safe wipes to gently wipe their paws, paying extra attention to the spaces between the pads.

Protect Against Extreme Temperatures

During extreme weather, limit outdoor time or invest in dog booties to provide protection. Booties not only shield paws from extreme temperatures but also protect against salt and chemicals used on roads and sidewalks in winter.

By following these tips, you can help prevent common paw problems and ensure your furry companion enjoys a lifetime of adventures on healthy paws.

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