Dog Wellbeing

Dog First Aid: Essential Skills Every Dog Owner Should Know

Dog First Aid: Essential Skills Every Dog Owner Should Know

Being equipped with the right knowledge and skills in dog first aid is invaluable for every dog owner. Here are some essential skills you should know:

Recognising Normal Vital Signs

Understanding your dog's baseline vital signs—temperature, pulse, and respiration—is crucial. A dog's normal temperature typically ranges from 38°C to 39.2°C. The resting heart rate varies from 60 to 140 beats per minute, and the respiration rate averages around 10 to 30 breaths per minute.

Handling Common Injuries

Learning to clean wounds, control bleeding, and immobilise fractures is crucial. Use mild soap and water to clean wounds, apply pressure to stop bleeding, and stabilise fractures using improvised splints before seeking veterinary care.

CPR and Rescue Breathing

Knowing how to perform CPR and rescue breathing can be life-saving. CPR involves chest compressions and artificial respiration, while rescue breathing provides oxygen to an unconscious dog.

We recommend watching this video.

Choking Hazards and Heimlich Maneuver

Dogs, especially young ones, tend to explore and chew on various objects, leading to choking. Knowing the Heimlich manoeuvre for dogs can help dislodge items obstructing their airways.

Heatstroke and Hypothermia

Recognising signs of heatstroke (excessive panting, weakness, collapse) and hypothermia (shivering, lethargy) is crucial. Immediate action, like cooling down a heat-stressed dog or warming up a hypothermic one, can save lives.

All you need to know about the heatstroke.

Poisoning and Toxin Awareness

Being aware of common household items and foods that are toxic to dogs is vital. Chocolate, grapes, specific plants, and household chemicals can be harmful. Contacting a vet or Animal Poison Hotline (in the UK) immediately upon suspicion of poisoning is crucial.

All you need to know about poisoning in dogs.

Handling Seizures

Seizures can be frightening, but staying calm and ensuring your dog's safety during a seizure (keeping them away from stairs or sharp objects) is essential. Note the duration and details to inform your vet.

Basic First Aid Kit

Having a well-stocked first aid kit for dogs at home and during travels is essential. Include items such as gauze, bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and your vet's contact information.

By arming yourself with these essential dog first aid skills, you can be better prepared to tackle unforeseen emergencies and ensure the safety and well-being of your furry companion. Remember, staying calm and acting swiftly in any emergency can make a significant difference.

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