Dog Wellbeing

How to help your overweight dog get back to a healthy weight

How to help your overweight dog get back to a healthy weight

Does your dog need to shed a few pounds in order to reduce the risk of developing health issues further down the line? Here are some simple tips to help your pooch get back to a healthy weight.

Get your dog moving

Increasing your dog's daily activity levels will help burn more calories. Make sure to stay within your dog's physical capability based on their breed and age, no need to overdo it! It's better to go on more frequent daily walks than do a long Sunday hike. If you can, try to take your pooch to a dog-friendly park where they can run off-leash and chase a ball for instance.

Reduce treats and table scraps

If you've been letting your dog finish off your meal or giving them treats everyday, it's time to break with those habits for your dog's benefit! Eating only what's in their bowl and only getting treats on a special occasion with help your dog lose weight and keep it off in the long run.

Check the recommended portion sizes

Each dog food comes with a specific serving size based on your dog's weight. This is to help dog owners feed their dog the exact amount needed. You can find a feeding chart for each MyPetSays recipe (in the images, for each product page).

Switch to low-fat dog food

Your vet may recommend putting your dog on a low-fat diet especially if they are getting older, therefore not moving enough to lose weight. You can find a wide range of low-fat, well-balanced MyPetSays recipes here.

Keep up with the good habits

Pets are like humans, over half of dogs regain weight after having lost it, simply because good habits went out the window. Think of these new habits as lifestyle changes instead of quick fixes to drop the weight. Avoid daily treats, keep your dog's activity levels up and ensure they eat just the right amount in order to maintain their weight in the healthy range.

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