
Why Do Dogs Yawn? Common Reasons Behind Yawning in Dogs

Why do dogs yawn

Ever noticed your dog letting out a big yawn at the most unexpected times? A dog yawn holds more meaning than you might think. So, why do dogs yawn? Our furry friends have their own reasons for yawning and it’s not just about feeling tired. Understanding why dogs yawn can deepen your bond and help you respond appropriately.

What does a dog yawn mean?

Sometimes a yawn is just a yawn, right? Well, not always. Dogs are masters of non-verbal communication and yawning is one of their subtle ways to send a message. They might yawn in response to seeing you yawn, almost like they're saying, “I'm with you, buddy - let's take it easy.” Yawning also helps regulate dogs' brain temperature and keeps them alert. So, the next time they yawn before pouncing on their favourite toy, know it’s part of their pre-game routine.

However, yawning in dogs can also signal stress or anxiety. It’s their way of saying, “Whoa, this situation is a bit much.” Yawning can be their way of releasing tension and calming themselves down in stressful situations. It’s their natural anxiety buster, helping them cope with whatever’s ruffling their fur.

How to recognise anxiety yawning?

Recognising anxiety yawning in your dog involves paying attention to context and accompanying behaviours. Unlike regular yawns that often occur when dogs are tired or relaxed, anxiety yawning tends to happen in stressful situations or environments. You might notice your dog yawning excessively in new places, around unfamiliar people or animals, or during noisy or chaotic events. These yawns may be more frequent and prolonged than usual, and they might be accompanied by other signs of anxiety such as pacing, panting, drooling or avoidance behaviours like hiding behind furniture or sticking close to their owner. 

So, the next time your furry buddy lets out a big yawn, take a moment to decode the message behind the stretch. Whether they’re signalling they’re relaxed, blowing off steam or just gearing up for their next adventure.

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