Dog Food

DIY Frozen Treats: Homemade Summer Snacks for Your Dog

Dog eating summer treat pumpkin popsicle

Summer is here and as the temperatures rise, it's not just us humans who crave refreshing treats. Instead of reaching for store-bought options, why not try making your own DIY frozen treats? They’re healthy, easy to make and your dog will love them! 

Recipe 1: Berry Yoghurt Bites


1 cup plain yoghurt

1/2 cup mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries)


  1. Blend the yoghurt and berries until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or moulds.
  3. Freeze until solid.
  4. Give your dog a refreshing berry bite!

Recipe 2: Pumpkin Popsicles


1 cup canned pumpkin

1/2 cup plain yoghurt

1/2 cup water


  1. Mix the pumpkin, yoghurt and water in a bowl.
  2. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or moulds.
  3. Freeze until solid.
  4. Serve one or two to your dog as a cool snack.

Recipe 3: Broth Cubes


1 cup low-sodium chicken or beef broth

1/2 cup of your dog’s favourite MyPetSays kibble


  1. Mix the broth and kibble in a bowl.
  2. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays.
  3. Freeze until solid.
  4. These savoury cubes make for a hydrating and tasty treat.

Recipe 4: Sweet Potato and Yoghurt Swirls


1 cup mashed cooked sweet potato

1/2 cup plain yoghurt


  1. Cook the sweet potato and mash it until smooth.
  2. In ice cube trays or moulds, alternate spoonfuls of sweet potato and yoghurt to create a swirl effect.
  3. Freeze until solid.
  4. Let your dog enjoy these sweet and tangy swirls.

Making homemade frozen treats for your dog is a fantastic way to keep them cool and hydrated during the summer while providing a nutritious snack. Try out these recipes and watch your furry friend enjoy every chilly bite. Happy treat making!

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