Dog Wellbeing

How to Keep Your Dog Entertained When You're Not Home

Dog Home Alone, How to Keep Your Dog Entertained When You're Not Home

Sometimes we have to leave our dogs alone at home, even if we don't like it. For many dog parents, this is a harsh reality, whether it's due to going to work, running errands or socialising in places that aren't dog-friendly. Dogs left alone can experience boredom, anxiety and even destructive behaviour if left unoccupied for a long time. But with a little planning, you can organise fun times for your dog while you’re away.

Tips to Keep Your Dog Happy When You’re Not Home

1. Create a cosy and safe space for your dog

Setting up a cosy spot in your home for your dog when you're away is key. Start by making sure there's a comfy bedding where they can snuggle up and feel secure while you're gone. Having a soft place to nap can help them relax and feel at ease. Keep things interesting by adding some toys and chews, swapping them out regularly to keep your pooch entertained. Positioning their space near a window can be a bonus, giving them something to watch while they wait for you to return. And of course, safety first, remove any potential hazards from the area. 

2. Keep your dog engaged with interactive toys

Interactive toys are a great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated. Toys that dispense treats or food can keep your dog occupied for hours as they try to figure out how to get the tasty reward inside. A popular interactive toy is a Kong, which can be filled with peanut butter or treats and frozen for an extended challenge. Another great option that many dogs love is puzzle dog toys. These come in various designs and require your dog to solve a puzzle to access the treat. For "beginner" dogs, treat balls are recommended. They are easier than puzzle toys but still provide excellent mental stimulation.

3. Consider adding some tech

Nowadays, there are gadgets that can keep your dog entertained and give you peace of mind. Take a look at pet cameras that let you keep an eye on your furry friend and even chat with them using two-way audio. A great gadget for your dog can be an automatic treat dispenser that can be programmed to release treats at intervals, keeping your dog looking forward to the next treat.

4. Don’t forget about time together before you leave

Before leaving for the day, engage your dog in a training session or playtime. This not only helps reinforce good behaviour but also tires them out mentally. Teach them new commands or tricks to keep their mind sharp. A tired dog is a happy dog!

Remember, a well-entertained dog is less likely to develop behavioural issues and more likely to greet you with a wagging tail when you return. If your dog isn't used to staying alone, check out our blog post “How to Get Your Dog Used to Being Alone Again”.

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