
More popular dog myths debunked!

More popular dog myths debunked!

Following our first post debunking popular dog myths, we're tackling a few more die hard myths about our furry friends in this new blog post.

If you've missed the previous one, check it out here!

Should you shave your dog’s coat in the Summer to cool them down?

For many dog breeds, it's quite the opposite. Those like the Golden Retriever who have a double-layered coat use it to regulate their temperature and keep cool during Summer. Shaving your dog's coat would only increase the risk of overheating, sunburn and skin cancer.

Do dogs hate cats?

No dog is born hating cat, and both species can get along! This myth is perpetrated because cats and dogs have different languages and behaviours, which makes communicating difficult. But if you have a cat and a dog in your household, all it takes is a little training and socialisation teaching to make them become friends! 

Are some breeds hypoallergenic?

Sadly for those who are allergic to dogs, all breeds produce allergens in different amounts. As a general rule, dogs that don't shed much such as poodles tend to produce less allergens. But whether or not you'll be allergic to a specific dog breed depends on how strong your allergy is and the hypoallergenic dog doesn't exist!

Reading next

Debunking popular dog myths
National Puppy Day: 5 interesting puppy facts

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