
Puppy Food: Choosing What to Feed Your Pup

Puppies eating, choosing the right food for a puppy

Diet plays a significant role in your dog's well-being and feeding your puppy the right foods is extremely important. During their first 12 months, pups experience rapid growth and require a diet rich in essential nutrients, including protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Protein is particularly important for muscle development, while fats provide energy and support healthy skin and coat.

Is grain-free food good for your pup?

As the grain-free dog food trend grows, you're probably wondering if you should go for grain-free puppy food. It's been said that puppies can't digest grains, but this isn't true. Dogs have evolved to be able to digest more foods, including grains. The main criteria when it comes to choosing the right puppy food is to make sure it's well-balanced in terms of nutrients and made from quality ingredients, such as MyPetSays Superfood 65 Puppy Food. Unless your puppy has a real intolerance to grains, you don't have to put them on a grain-free diet. It's up to you and your pup's preference!

How to find out if your pup is intolerant to grains?

If your pup is eating normal puppy foods and showing signs of food intolerances, then we can only recommend taking them to the vet to establish a diagnosis. 

There's a wide range of symptoms of food intolerances, here are the main ones:

• Itchiness, rash, licking of body parts

• Inflamed skin

• Bald patches, hair loss

• Gas, loose stool or vomiting

Although beef and dairy intolerances are much more common than grains, you could try to put your pup on a grain-free diet to see if there are any improvements.

Grain-free, gluten-free: same thing?

No. Gluten is a protein that is found in some types of grains, such as oats, rye or wheat. But there are plenty of other grains that are gluten-free. For instance, rice doesn't contain any gluten. It's a gluten-free puppy food, but it couldn't be part of a grain-free diet.

Vet recommended puppy food for fussy eaters

Dealing with a fussy-eating puppy can be a frustrating experience for many dog parents. Luckily, there is MyPetSays Superfood 65 Puppy Food, specially formulated to entice even the pickiest eaters. This special formula incorporates the tasty oils from the meats into the kibble's outer layer, making it even more of a treat for your pup’s taste buds. MyPetSays Superfood 65 offers 2 puppy recipes, both enriched with superfoods to promote overall health and vitality. These recipes feature high-quality proteins, such as Scottish Salmon and Free Range Turkey & Pork, responsibly sourced from local farms for the finest quality and optimal traceability. With a minimum of 65% animal content, these recipes are packed with protein, essential amino acids, and vital nutrients crucial for the healthy growth and development of your puppy during their crucial early stages.

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