Dog Food

The Vegetables Your Dog Can and Can't Eat

The Vegetables Your Dog Can and Can't Eat

After our very popular blog post about the fruits that are and aren't safe for your pooch to eat, let's talk about veggies! Do you know which vegetables your dog can and can't eat?

The vegetables your dog can eat


Yes, your dog can eat broccoli in small quantities to avoid any gastric irritation. It should be fed preferably steamed or boiled to make it easier for dogs to digest. Raw broccoli can be difficult for them to process. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate. 

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a fantastic source of dietary fibre and vitamins A and C. They can be cooked and served to your dog, but ensure they are plain, with no added seasonings or spices. Sweet potatoes make a delicious and nutritious addition to your dog's meal.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are safe for dogs to eat and they are full of nutrients. However, don't let your dog eat too much of them, as they could become very gassy. We've warned you!


Yes! Carrots are an amazing low-calorie snack, not to mention that crunching is great for your dog’s teeth. They are high in vitamins A and K, fibre, and beta-carotene. Carrots can be served raw, steamed, or even frozen as a refreshing treat.


Yes, your pooch can eat celery and benefit from all its nutrients. Celery is also known to help keep their breath fresh. 


Green peas, sugar snap peas, garden peas... all peas are safe for dogs to eat! Not only do they contain many vitamins & minerals, but they are also a good source of protein and fibre. However, avoid canned peas due to their high sodium content.


Zucchini is low in calories and high in fibre, making it a healthy choice for dogs. You can feed your dog small, bite-sized pieces of cooked or raw zucchini as an occasional treat.

The vegetables your dog cannot eat


Only a small amount of mushroom species are toxic, but they can be fatal. Letting your dog eat wild mushrooms is just not worth the risk. White button mushrooms from the supermarket can be OK, but it's best to stay on the safe side.

Onions & Garlic

Dogs should stay away from onions, garlic and the whole Allium family (leeks, chives, etc.). These plants are pure poison for most pets, especially cats & dogs. Onions can cause their red blood cells to rupture which can also lead to serious stomach issues.

Including veggies in your dog's diet can provide them with essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. However, it's crucial to be aware of which vegetables are safe and which ones should be avoided. When introducing new vegetables to your dog's diet, start with small portions to see how they react. For more tips on how to look after your dog and help them live their best life, check out our other blog posts.

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