
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

Why do dogs eat poop?

Ever caught your dog eating poop? It might make you feel puzzled, but it’s actually a pretty common behaviour in dogs known as coprophagia. Let’s dive into why your furry friend might be eating poop and what you can do about it.

What Is Coprophagia?

Coprophagia is the technical term for when dogs consume faeces, whether it's their own or from other animals. While it might seem gross, it’s a behaviour that has several potential explanations. Just like yawning in dogs can signal various emotions or needs, coprophagia has its own set of reasons.

So, Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

Nutritional Deficiencies

Sometimes, dogs eat poop because they’re missing something in their diet. If their food isn’t giving them all the nutrients they need, they might turn to poop to make up for it. It’s their way of telling us their diet might need a tweak.

Read about the dog food pyramid to understand better dogs nutritional needs.

Natural Instincts

In the wild, dogs’ ancestors might have eaten poop to keep their homes clean or to avoid predators. This instinct can still linger in domestic dogs, causing them to eat poop out of habit.

Attention-Seeking Behaviour

Dogs are pretty smart when it comes to getting your attention. If they’ve learned that eating poop makes you react, they might keep doing it just to get a rise out of you-whether it’s a stern “No!” or even a laugh.

Boredom or Anxiety

Just like people might bite their nails when they’re anxious, dogs might eat poop when they’re bored or stressed. If they’re not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation, or if they’re feeling anxious, they might turn to poop eating as a way to cope with their emotions.

Medical Issues

In some cases, there might be a medical reason behind this behaviour. Things like digestive problems or parasites can sometimes lead to poop eating. If you’re worried, it’s a good idea to check in with your vet.

How to stop a dog from eating poop?

Getting your dog to stop eating poop can be a bit of a challenge, but there are some useful tricks to try. First, make sure your dog’s diet is balanced and provides all the nutrients they need-sometimes switching to a high-quality dog food like MyPetSays can make a difference. Keeping your dog busy with lots of exercise and playtime can also help curb boredom-driven behaviours. Training commands like “Leave it” and redirecting their attention to more fun activities can also be really effective.

If you're concerned about health issues, consulting a vet is a good idea for further guidance.

Understanding why dogs eat poop can help you figure out how to stop it and keep your dog’s diet-and your peace of mind-in check.

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